The CH32V305/7 is an interconnectivity MCUs based on 32-bit RISC-V core, with hardware stack area and fast interrupt entry. Compared with standard RISC-V, the interrupt response speed is greatly improved. With single-precision float point instruction sets added and stack area extended, the CH32V305/7 features higher performance, the number of UARTs is extended to 8, and the number of motor timers is extended to 4. The CH32V305/7 provides USB2.0 high-speed interface (480Mbps), built-in PHY transceiver and Ethernet MAC upgraded to GbE, and integrates 10M PHY module.
System Block Diagram
- Qingke V4F processor, up to 144MHz system clock frequency.
- Single-cycle multiplication and hardware division. Hardware float point unit (FPU).
- 64KB SRAM, 256KB Flash.
- Supply voltage: 2.5V/3.3V. GPIO unit is supplied independently.
- Low-power modes: sleep/stop/standby.
- Power-on/power-down reset (POR/PDR), programmable voltage detector (PVD).
- 2 general DMA controllers, 18 channels in total.
- 4 amplifiers.
- One true random number generator (TRNG).
- 2 x 12-bit DAC.
- 2-unit 16-channel 12-bit ADC, 16-channel TouchKey.
- 10 timers.
- USB2.0 full-speed OTG interface.
- USB2.0 high-speed host/device interface (built-in 480Mbps PHY).
- 3 USARTs, 5 UARTs.
- 2 CAN interfaces (2.0B active).
- SDIO interface, FSMC interface, DVP.
- 2 IIC interfaces, 3 SPI interfaces, 2 IIS interfaces.
- Gigabit Ethernet controller ETH (built-in 10M PHY).
- 80 I/O ports, can be mapped to 16 external interrupts;
- CRC calculation unit, 96-bit unique ID.
- Serial 2-wire debug interface.
- Packages: LQFP64M, LQFP100.
Product Selection Guide
Technical Resources
- Datasheet: CH32V20x_30xDS0.PDF,CH32FV2x_V3xRM.PDF
- CH32V307EVT evaluation board manual and reference routines: CH32V307EVT.ZIP
- Integrated development environment (IDE): MounRiver Studio(MRS)