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CH251DS1.PDF eMarker chip CH251 datasheet, CH251 is a simplified version of the eMarker chip, single chip integrated VCONN diode and Ra resistor, support USB Type-C 2.1 standard and USB PD 3.1 standard, VBUS support high-voltage power supply, can be used for Type-C five-core cable related applications. 1.1 2024-02-29
PRODUCT_GUIDE.P... Electronic selection of product selection manual, please refer to related product technical manual for more technical information. 3.3 2024-07-06
PACKAGE.PDF Common package dimensions for CH series ICs: DIP, SKDIP, SDIP, SOP, SSOP, MSOP, QFP, LQFP, QFN, ... 3.6 2023-12-20